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This is the 78th Episode of Archie Sonic the Hedgehog: Crossover

Main All Star Heroes (Story #1): SpongeBob, the Mane 6, Zaktan & Fangz (Part 2 & 3)

Main Villains (Story #1): Heihachi Mishima, Kuma II, Goliath-Prime & Teridax

Main All Star Heroes (Story #2): Zaktan & Pinkie Pie

Main Villains (Story #2): Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya Mishima & Teridax (Zaktan's Sub Boss)

Story #1: Transcript

Icon Pony (Part 1)

(We can see Spongebob, Patrick, Squidward, Rainbow Dash, Sonic & Tails flying over the desert, while the rest of the All Stars travel on foot)

Spongebob: (notices something wrong with the Winged Victory) Sonic? Is something the matter?

Tails: Sonic! What's the matter with your biplane?

Sonic: (struggling to maintain control of the Winged Victory) I dunno, Tails & Spongebob! She's been actin' weird since we started flyin' over the desert! I'm having a tough time with her controls!

Rainbow Dash: (notices a hole in the Winged Victory) Aw man! Devil Kazuya made a direct hit & we didn't even know it!

Thumpback: Land! Land!

Spongebob: Thumpback! We're not there to Naugus & Jinpachi yet.

Thumpback: No! Land! Incoming enemy!

Congar: It's Goliath Prime!

Spongebob: Wha?

(We can see Goliath Prime wielding a white tech bomb & throws it at the Sponge-Flyer, blasting it out of the sky)

Spongebob: AAH! Someone save us!

Goliath Prime: (laughs evily) Direct hit!

Twilight Sparkle: Oh no!

Spongebob: Abandon ship!

Spongebob, Patrick & Squidward: (jumps off the Sponge-Flyer)

Squidward: Now what?

Patrick: Um... well... huh.

(The 3 look down & then started screaming as they are falling)

Swarm: (flies up) I got 'em! (catches the 3)

Patrick: (still screaming, not knowing he's been saved)

Zaktan: (his right black eye looks just like Reidak's eye & still has an eyepatch on) Patrick!

Patrick: Huh? Are we dead?

Edd: Nope, but your safe & sound, thanks to Swarm.

(They all noticed the Sponge-Flyer crash lands far away)

Tree Rex: Once we check on the Sponge-Flyer. We can keep moving.

(The All Stars then goes up to the Sponge-Flyer & noticed the propeller is damaged)

Spongebob: Aw barnicles!

Harold: Without the Propeller, the bi-plane can't fly.

Noah: Now what?

Zaktan: (feeling the heat) The heat is getting humid, what are we going to do now? We're stranded in the middle of the desert!

Applejack: At least we can go on foot.

Fluttershy: Um ok.

Congar & Tree Rex: (picks up the Sponge-Flyer & carries it over their heads)

Hot Head: Come on everyone, time to walk in the desert... outside.

(30 minutes later)

(We can see the All Stars walking through the desert, feeling tired & thirsty, however Reidak, Hakann & Hot Head are enjoying the heat & Rarity has an umbrella strapped around her body for shade. Also, Zaktan kept on saying "The land of thirst" over & over again.)

Rarity: (noticing Zaktan) Zaktan, you look thirsty. Mind if I give you a bottle of water to drink away your troubles. (uses her magic to pass the bottle of water down to Zaktan)

Zaktan: (grabs the bottle & drinks it) Thanks. Still, I can feel it's alright now to take off the eyepatch.

Dudley: Thank goodness, after a few days with that eye patch. You gonna be a-o...

Zaktan: (takes off the eye-patch)

Dudley: (notices Zaktan's right purple eye, looking like Reidak's eye) GREAT SUNS OF ORION!

Fluttershy: Oh my goodness, your eye is beginning to feel worse.

Rarity: Are you sure you don't need an icepack darling?

Zaktan: I said "No".

Fangz: (found a large bone, coming from a skeleton of a camel & picks it up with his teeth) I found a bone.

Fluttershy: (gasps) Oh no. Poor camel.

Vezok: Aw man, we're gonna die of thirst if we don't find anymore water.

Reidak: Calm down everyone.

Twilight Sparkle: We still have to find Sonic & Tails' biplane.

Bouncer: But I don't see it. My scanners indicate that the Winged Victory is not at the crash site on it's own. It's been moved.

Fangz: Aw man! Now what? Where can Sonic & Tails be at this hour?

Zaktan: The land of thirst! The land of thirst!

Heather: Will you shut up already?

Zaktan: You do not understand... (holding the bottle, which is now empty) I've run out... I've run out... You don't know what that means.

Applejack: Come on, sugar cube. We have to keep going. Alright now, one step at a time.

Zaktan: (gets up, feeling tired, leaning on Applejack & Reidak)

Hakann: That's it. There you go.

Zaktan: We can't survive without water.

Drilldozer: Calm down Zaktan.

LeShawna: He's right, there are worse things than drying up.

Boomerang Bird: We could be eaten by vultures while we've passed out.

Zaktan: Look! Over there! (points forward) We're saved!

(However to the rest of the gang, they didn't see anything, but miles & miles of sand.)

Zaktan: Water! Water! (heads up the sand dune & is about to go down from it)

Mordecai: (trying to pull Zaktan back) Dude, stop! It's a mirage! (accidently released Zaktan's grip)

Zaktan: (falls down, rolling down the sand dune a bit) But I saw it.

Duncan: It's your mind playing tricks on you.

DJ: We're all gonna fall for a mirage because of this heat.

Magmo: It's very humid as well.

Zaktan: (his right eye begins to glow bright) We have to stop him...

Donkey Kong: What?

Sanford: Stop who?

Zaktan: We have to stop Plankton & that returning madman

Deimos: Is your mind playing tricks again?

Pinkie Pie: I don't think so & I love tricks. (pulls out tied up ribbons from her mane) Ta-da!

Kitty: No, not that many... (sighs) Forget it. I'm going to shave.

Eddy: Why do you bother? There's no electricity out here in the desert!

Zaktan: (gets up) We thought that he was gone for good, but he is back. But was only a disguise worn by someone else who look exactly like him, but metallic.

Edd: Robo-Robotnik 2.0 like Spongebob said in the day after Robotnik's defeat?

Rigby: Nah, it can't be.

Zaktan: (his purple eye glows brighter than his normal red eye) All 8 pieces coming together slowly, one by one.

Timon: What is it? A puzzle?

Zaktan: 8 pieces into 1, with the ultimate weapon made by Plankton, inside that 1 big piece in outer space.

Xplode: I think what Zaktan saying is that it's not a puzzle. It's a space station, made out of 8 satellites.

Pumbaa: Outer Space? What does that mean?

Twilight Sparkle: Spongebob? Are you getting all this? (no answer) Spongebob? (no answer) (turns to Spongebob) Spongebob... (gasps)

Spongebob, Patrick & Squidward: (drying up faster than the others)

Spongebob: (his voice is drying up) Twilight, I can hear you. But I can't imagine why I can't now.

Vezok: Aw no! Spongebob, Patrick & Squidward are sea creatures, they dry up faster than land creatures.

Waspix: Uh oh.

Vezok: I got it. (launches waves of water at Spongebob, Patrick & Squidward, soaking them with water)

Zaktan: The evil villain who is with Plankton, has returned, like a phantom, rising from the dead.

Corroder: And? Is the Master Jack-X inside that space station?

Zaktan: (his right eye quickly begins to repair itself back to normal, causing his fixed eye to glow back to red, instead of purple) It's gone?

Dudley: (sweating) What do you mean gone? I feel so hot.

Owen: What happened next?

Zaktan: (felt his repaired eye) My eye is fixed. The eye patch works!

Spongebob: Something happened in outer space. If Robotnik Prime is back & has survived that Ultimate Annihilator blast, (his voice is beginning to go back to normal) then our luck just ran out.

Zaktan: I don't know, I'm so terribly thirsty. (walks a bit)

Boggy B: Zaktan!

Applejack: Whoa there, partner.

Zaktan: All Stars! Spongebob! What's happening to me? (feels a bit dizzy & falls down)

Hank: (catches Zaktan) All it took is a day in the desert.

Rigby: (panting) I know, it's so hot. I can't stop sweating.

Mordecai: Dude, walking in the desert actually blow.

Rigby: Yeah man, it's not worth it.

Pinkie Pie: Congratulations Zaktan, you're eye is all better. (smiles)

Kineticlops: (facepalms) We're doomed.

(At the Devil's Gulag)

(We can see group of strange robots, sneaking inside the Gulag like stealth ninjas)

(The Green robot checks to see the cells & he appears to be Toxic Reapa, one of the members of the Legion of Darkness.)

Toxic Reapa: (crawling up on the ceiling) (chuckles evily)

(We can see Snively complaining, while pacing back & forth)

Snively: Impossible, I say! These bars cannot keep me in! My intellect is far too superior! These walls cannot contain me...

Drago Wolf: (in another cell) Because your head's too swollen!

(All of the cellmates, minus Snively, begins laughing, not knowing that another member of the Legion of Darkness is lurking in the shadows & we can see it's a shark like robot named "Jawblade")

Jawblade: (chuckles)

Drago Wolf: I tell ya, Snively... I'm convinced you were wastin' your true talents back when you were Robotnik's flunky!

(A 3rd member is also hiding in the shadows, revealing to be a dissociative villain with 2 distinct personalites. The right side is robotic & the left side is more organic.)

Splitface: (smiles evily)

Drago Wolf: You shoulda been a stand-up comedian instead!

(A 4th member is hiding in the shadows as well, flying. It appears to be a robotic wasp named Thornraxx)

Thornraxx: (buzzes quietly)

Snively: (to Drago) Mock me if you will Drago! You will be laughing out the other side of your mouth when I am a free man and you are not!

(2 more members are hiding in the shadows also, the first figure appear to be a purple, black & red electric type robot named "Voltix". And the other figure appears to be a one-eyed 4 armed yellow robot named "XT4".)

Voltix: (signals XT4 to wait)

XT4: (waiting for orders)

Snively: Not only have I been exercising my mind, I have also been doing the same to my body!

(The next 2 figures are waiting in the shadows, the first figure appears to be a black former hero gone villain named "Core Hunter". And the 2nd figure appears to be a green 4 armed, motorcyclist named "Speeda Demon")

Core Hunter & Speeda Demon: (watching this)

Snively: I would show you exactly what I am capable of were we sharing the same cell!

Drago: Like I said, Snively... you're an irregular laugh-riot! HA HA HA!

(The last figure, who was larger than the rest of the Legion of Darkness, reveals himself to be the leader of the group, a large black & dark red, wielding a Razor Sabre Mace Staff & a cloning Arachnix Drone. The large figure's name is 'Black Phantom")

Black Phantom: (thick french accent) A good ol fashion breakout. Just like old times.

(In night time)

(We can see the All Stars have all passed out, minus Fangz who was barking all night)

Fangz: BARK, BARK BARK! ROWR, ROWR, ROWR, ROWR! ARF! Aw come on, guys! Wake up! Please!

(Suddenly Fangz notice something in the distance, coming from 2 directions. From one direction there we're a convoy of trucks and tanks. The other are hundreds of robotic robians, with glowing yellow eyes. And they're both heading straight for them.)

Fangz: We're surrounded. And we're saved! Yes! It's a sign from above!

(Right on cue, the enslaved robians beings then open fire.)

Fangz: (ducks down) Yipe!

Applejack: (snoring) 5 more minutes, Big Mac.

Twilight Sparkle: (snoring) Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy.

Rainbow Dash: (snoring) Cloud beds. Everywhere. Feels like heaven.

Fangz: Aw man. They're all sleeping & drowsy!

Sonic: (arrived from the tanks) Fangz! All Stars! It's all cool, the hedgehog's here.

Fangz: Thank goodness. Where have you been?

Sonic: No time for talking. It's tornado time! (begins spinning around, forming a sandy tornado, sucking in the Robians & spitting them out)

Fangz: Whoa. Cool.

Sonic: (stops) I know. Come on.

Fangz: Alright, but do you mind helping me with the rest of the All Stars?

(A few moments later, we can see the rest of the All Stars are snoozing inside the cargo of the convoy of trucks.)

Sonic & Fangz: (goes up to a leading tank)

Sonic: (knocks on the hatch & opens it)

(We can see Tails inside the tank, along with a grey & white mobian rabbit, wearing a navy blue shirt, rusty shoulder pads, Utility belt with a dagger, an eye patch & a pair of blue boots. His name is Jack Rabbit.)

Sonic: Hey, fella's! I'm back! Did I miss all the fun and excitement? Because if I did, I... (notices something in the horizon) ...I... I...

Tails: What is it, Sonic? What's wrong?

Fangz: (notices something in the horizon) Hm?

Jack Rabbit: Absolutely nuthin' Tails! From the expression on your pardhun's mug, I'd reckon we've arrived back... home.

(They all notice a large city, surrounded by a yellow force field. The city's name is Sand Blast City.)

Fangz: Wow. (in thought: Now what did Zaktan said about Sattelites?)

(Meanwhile in Orbit, high above Mobius...)

(We can see a satellite in orbot, back online & inside it is too dark to see, but we can see Plankton along with a mysterious dark figure. The Jack-2 Bots are busy building the Master Jack-X, making sure it's strong, tough & invincible.)

Plankton: Ultimate Weapon 101, Prototype Weapon to Ultimate Weapon. Boom! Instantly invincible! The Master Jack-X will have to be perfect if I'm taking over the Multiverse.

???: (dark voice) Indeed. You are quite the mighty conqueror.

Plankton: (turns to the HenchCombats) HenchCombats, what's the status report of the newly built Master Jack-X construction system.

Redbot: The current stat is 11% complete.

Yellowbot: The rest of the Plankton Empire officers who have encountered the All Stars who are on their search for Naugus & Jinpachi has failed.

Greenbot: Witch Doctor, Krekka, Nidhiki & Vezon we're duped by a fake robot Spongebob. The Rahkshi we're tied up back in Eurish by Rob O' the Hedge. And D.O.O.M. are trapped by the Downunda Freedom Fighters.

Bluebot: And lets not forget that Zhang Jiao, Roodaka & Sidorahk have failed to stop the All Stars in Yurashia.

Plankton: Of all the lazy... (sighs) Here I am, preparing the Master Jack-X. We only found fuel, power type mode & others. And my officers only give the All Stars nothing, but delays. No matter, we still have lots more parts to find, if we are going to finish it on time.

???: B-Sat unit back online...

(The Satellite begins to activate)

???: ...and commencing system location of target. (locks onto the target) Target acquired... system... locked... and commencing activation...

Plankton: In 3... 2... 1...

???: Now. (presses a button)

Plankton: With our brand new ally. All of our plans will be realized.

Icon Pony (Part 2)

(Back in Sand Blast City)

(We can see that the Mane 6 are the first to wake up)

Twilight Sparkle: What happened?

Rainbow Dash: Where are we?

Fluttershy: (looks around) We're inside a cargo of a truck.

Mane 6: (exits the truck & notices the citizens, carrying Sonic)

Jack Rabbit: Sonic, we citizens o' Sand-Blast City... are mighty honored to have you and Tails as our guests, including your All Star friends!

Tails: Awesome!

Sonic: Thanks, folks!

Applejack: (notices Jack Rabbit) Who in the hay is that?

Rarity: He must be the one who's in charge. Let's go ask them.

Mane 6: (goes up to Jack Rabbit)

Green Mobian Duck: Hurray, Sonic!

Brown Mobian Wolf: Three cheers for the hedgehog!

Twilight Sparkle: Um, excuse us?

Jack Rabbit: (turns to the Mane 6) Ah, you must be one of the All Stars that this doggy is telling me about.

Fangz: Hey guys. How are the rest of the team?

Pinkie Pie: They're still sleeping like a baby.

Fangz: I see.

Sonic: (smiles) What's the deal, Tails? What'd I do that was so great... I mean, besides the usual?

Tails: (shrugs) You got me!

Twilight Sparkle: We should probably turn in for the night here, we still have some catching up to do.

Sonic: I guess your right... (turns to Jack Rabbit) Say, Jack... are we headed to a ritzy hotel or something?

Jack Rabbit: Even better! We're headed to the most important spot in town! (points over yonder)

Rainbow Dash: What do you me...(notices something Jack Rabbit is pointing at)

Sonic, Tails & Rainbow Dash: Whoah.

(They all noticed a giant statue of Sonic the Hedgehog himself)

Pinkie Pie: Wow, it's so big.

Twilight Sparkle: Is that... Sonic?

Fangz: Interesting.

Sonic: Uh... that's... that's...

Tails: That's you. Like Twilight said.

Fangz: And it matches every detail you have.

Sonic: Uh-huh.

Jack Rabbit: (gives Sonic a challice & pours a drink in it) We knew you'd dig it! Isn't it cooler than just about everythin', sides you o' course? I say we make a toast!

Applejack: Alrighty then.

Rarity: Very well. We will stay here for one night & we'll be on our way.

Jack Rabbit: Who knows? With the for real, live Sonic around... Sand-Blast City may no longer need it's force field dome to keep out those danged robians!

Fangz: (smells something odd) Hm? What's that smell? Hmm...

(Outside of Sand Blast City)

(We can see Robians trying to use it's laser vision to break through the force field, but it has no effect)

Goliath Prime: What is this? A Force field? (tries to break through the force field with his strength, but has no effect either) (growls) You got lucky, but once this force field is down, you will be too.

(At the Devil's Gulag)

(The Legion of Darkness is waiting for the right moment for action)

Black Phantom: (holding up the walkie talkie) The robians are chasing after those heroes. Phase 1, complete.

Plankton: (in communicator: Good. On my signal.)

Snively: (filing his nails with a nail file) And after I erect a statue of myself at the center of Robotropolis... I am going to have that boorish blue hedgehog tarred, feathered... and then tarred again!

Drago Wolf: Sure, sure, sure... I say, if you were really gonna bust outta here, Snively... you woulda already done it! Go ahead! Make a break for it... I dares ya!

Black Phantom: (begins descending down on a black wire)

Predator Hawk: I double dare 'Im!

Sergeant Simian: I triple dare the egghead!

Drago Wolf: Yeah! We all dare ya! Come on, Smarty-shirt!

Black Phantom: (laughing evily)

(All of the cellmates, look up to see Black Phantom descending down & lands, then the rest of the Legion of Darkness begins emerging from the shadows)

Black Phantom: Now, now, everyone. No need to be alarmed. We are here to help you, once Snively proceed with Phase 2.

Snively: (scared of Black Phantom, accidently drops the nail file)

Black Phantom: (secretly presses a red button on the box, hacking into the security, opening all of the cells) (in thought: Gotcha.)

Drago Wolf: Whuh...?

Black Phantom: Now it's a breakout.

Drago Wolf: (exits the cell with the Fearsome Foursome, Sleuth Dog & other escaped prisoners) He did it! He actually did it! We're free at last!

Voltix: You are all free indeed. Phase 2, complete.

(Back at Sand Blast City, in the next morning)

(We can see that the All Stars are refreshed & they are walking up to a room, with Jack Rabbit.)

Jack Rabbit: For those who don't know me, mah name is Jack Rabbit.

Spongebob: We owe you our lives. How's Zaktan doing?

Jack Rabbit: He is a bit delerious, but he is refreshed with flying colours. (opens the door)

Zaktan: (sitting up in bed)

Jack Rabbit: Ah, Zaktan. Your awake.

Pinkie Pie: Hi Zaktan, how's are you feeling?

Zaktan: Hello, I've think you've got the wrong room.

Edd: Huh? It's us, the All Stars. Don't you remember? The Sponge Flyer has crashed landed & we've carried it inside the city.

Zaktan: What are you talking about, I never fly a plane before in my life. (holding up a glass of water) What is this liquid?

Jack Rabbit: Why it's water.

Zaktan: Wow, what do they think of next?

Jack Rabbit: He had suffered a dehydration or some sort.

Fluttershy: Oh my goodness...

Twilight Sparkle: Zaktan lost his memory?

Spongebob: Is there anything we can do to help him remember again?

Jack Rabbit: You can try if you want. Now if you excuse me, I've got some things to take care of. (exits the room)

Zaktan: So, what are your names?

Avak: It's us, the All Star Freedom Fighters! Please, you gotta remember!

(They all didn't take notice of a silhouette of a man along with a silhouette of a large bear, drops a poster through the window & the 2 walk off)

Rarity: (spots a poster, lying on the floor) Oh honestly, who would throw these papers in the floor? (reads the poster) Hm? Um, everypony?

All Stars: (turn to Rarity)

Rarity: I think there is a solution. Someone has dropped this poster.

Pinkie Pie: Really? May I see it please?

Rarity: Sure Pinkie.

(The All Stars all have a look at the poster, revealing about the King of Iron Fist Tournament.)

Thok: Rarity, you are a genius. The fighting in battles will jog Zaktan's memories.

Rarity: Why thank you darling.

Jetbug: Zaktan? You do remember how to fight, right?

Zaktan: I think so. (gets up)

Spongebob: Good. Now how do we get you there? It's in the Tekken Universe.

Twilight Sparkle: I can try using a portal spell. It's a very tough spell to create, so stand back everybody & everypony. I don't know what would happen. (concertrates on using a spell to create a portal & manages to open one)

Duncan: Yeah, that's more like it. Now go out there & get your memory back!

Zaktan: Whoever you guys are, you are all awesome. (enters the portal to the Tekken Universe)

Mordecai: Thanks & good luck dude.

Orange Bird: So... what now?

Spongebob: That's a good question.

Fangz: (smells the same scent he picked up last night) Hm? It's that same smell again. It smells like... obsession?

Rainbow Dash: Obsession?

Fangz: It's coming from outside. Follow me. (heads outside)

All Stars (minus Zaktan & Fangz): (follows Fangz)

(Back outside, where the fixed Winged Victory & the fixed Sponge-Flyer is at)

(We can see that Jack Rabbit along with a Mobian reptile & a Mobian green duck is bringing the dust cover to the Winged Victory & the Sponge-Flyer.)

Jack Rabbit: Okay, teak: Let's cover'er up an' then...

Fangz: (arrives with the rest of the All Stars) Then what?

Patrick: Hi Jack Rabbit.

Tails: (flying above) Hey, Jack! What are you doin' to our plane?

Spongebob: Why are bringing the dust cover out here to our planes?

Jack Rabbit: The plane? Oh... well, we figured out what was the matter with 'em!

Harold: And what would that be?

Jack Rabbit: Sand! Cloggin' up all the instruments! We gave it our best clean-up job and figured we'd mothball 'er for a few weeks!

Twilight Sparkle: A few weeks?

Tails: Weeks? That's a big negative!

Reidak: It's a long story.

Tails: We've gotta take off today! An evil wizard is on the loose and it's our mission to stop...

Sonic: (arrives) Chill, Tails... Ixis Naugus can wait!

Rainbow Dash & Xplode: What?!

Xplode: What do you mean "Ixis Naugus can wait"?

Rainbow Dash: We have to stop Naugus & Jinpachi right now!

Sonic: I don't have problem stickin' around here for a few weeks... after all. Ixis is still gonna be on the loose when we leave so tell me... what's the problemo?

Eddy: Aw come on! We can't wait for a few weeks! We got a mission to run here!

Timon: Aw great. How can it get anymore worse.

(Back at the Devil's Gulag)

(Snively is a bit freaked out by the breakout, but Black Phantom smiles evily)

Black Phantom: (with the rest of the Legion of Darkness) (chuckles evily) All according to plan.

Icon Pony (Part 3)

(We can see that the Legion of Darkness, plus the escaped prisoners attacking the Rebel Underground, as Snively looks on)

Black Phantom: Take out those guards! Leave no one conscious.

Snively: (in thought: Snively, what have you gotten yourself into this time? When I told the other prisoners tht I was planning a break out... I had absolutely no idea that it would be five minutes later!)

Toxic Reapa: Let there be freedom!

(Back at Sand Blast City)

(We can see that while Sonic is getting some pampering, the All Stars have built a Arcade Machine for Zaktan's mission)

Avak: (putting on the finishing touches of the Arcade Machine)

Sonic: (getting a massage by a mobian female grey wolf) If one thing can be said about these Sand-Blasters... they sure do know the meaning of hospitality!

Spongebob: You think so?

Sonic: I mean, I've got chili-dogs right at hand. And they're by the foot... (grabs a chili dog from the plate, which is being held by a mobian female duck) Isn'this all way past cool, Tails?

Tails: Er... sure, Sonic. Everything's... uh... really cool. (in thought: 'Cept for you, that is!)

Twilight Sparkle: Tails, is something the matter?

Tails: Well, Sonic seemed okay after his biplane crashed leaving us stranded out in an unknown desert... where we met Jack Rabbit and his band of Freedom Fighters... the Sand Blasters... who had modeled themselves after the Knothole Village Version!

Pumbaa: Should we let Tails go on?

Timon: Yes, I'm not following because I'm so hungry, I could eat an entire tree stump.

Tails: Before anybody could get a chance to trade War-Stories, we were attacked by Robians... roboticized mobians with the baddest of attitudes!

Fangz: That's what I saw last night while the rest of the All Stars passed out.

Rarity: What happened next? About those robians?

Tails: It didn't do'em much good against Sonic's super speed thought! It wasn't until we got to the Sand-Blasters' city... (turns to Sonic) that we learned just how much of an influence you'd really had on them all! You ere like a legend!

Cody: We never knew.

Tails: All of this wasn't bad until you decided we should delay our mission for a few weeks!

Hakann: Yeah, I mean, seriously, what's up with that?

Sonic: I said "Mobius to Tails! Come in Tails..."

Spongebob: (pokes Tails's shoulder) Tails?

Tails: Oh! Uh... sorry. I... I must've been day dreaming. Sonic, we've gotta talk! (turns to the 2 mobian girls) Uhh... Fox to hedgehog!

Rainbow Dash: Oh, you gonna talk something private. Right. We'll be with Avak if you need us.

Sonic: That's your cue to take off on yet another chili-dog run, ladies!

(The All Stars then goes back up to Avak, while the female mobian duck & the female mobian wolf walks up to the door)

Female Mobian Wolf: Anythin' you say, dahlin'!

Female Mobian Duck: Would you like some fries with that order?

Gwen: Uh, no thanks. We're good.

(The 2 girls exits the room & closes the door)

Tails: (in thought: This is way too weird!)

Avak: And it's done. Now all we need is a player.

Pinkie Pie: I wanna play the game! Please?

Twilight Sparkle: Ok Pinkie, since you don't have any fingers, I'll have to choose someone else.

Pinkie Pie: Oh pretty please, Twilight? Pretty please with sugar cakes on top? (smiles, sqee)

Twilight Sparkle: (sighs) Fine.

Pinkie Pie: Yipee!

Owen: How are we gonna make Pinkie have any fingers?

Twilight Sparkle: That's where my Equestria Girl transformation spell comes in handy.

Rarity: Hold up please? (puts Pinkie Pie's human clothes on Pinkie)

Pinkie Pie: (wearing her Equestria Girls clothes) Ready.

Twilight Sparkle: (uses her magic to transform Pinkie Pie into her Equestria Girl Human Form)

Pinkie Pie: (is transformed into her human form)

Equestria Girl Pinkie Pie: (her clothes are a perfect fit) I'm ready! (presses start & notices Zaktan on the Tekken 1 character select screen) Lookie, I saw Zaktan on an extra character slot!

HF Rotor: Really? Where?

Spongebob: (notices Zaktan in the game) Oh, there he is. Pinkie Pie, while your in your Equestria Girl human form, you'll have to beat the game to get Zaktan's memory back.

EG Pinkie Pie: (salutes) I won't let you down. (selects Zaktan)

Announcer: (from the screen) Zaktan!

Spongebob: Good luck.

Announcer: Round 1, Fight!

EG Pinkie Pie: (begins playing the Tekken 1 game in the Arcade Machine, playing as Zaktan)

(The rest of the All Stars also notice Sonic & Tails arguing)

Sonic: Stay!

Tails: Go!

Sonic: Stay!

Tails: Go!

Hank: Alright! Stop!

Sonic & Tails: (stops)

Hank: Now then, which one is it? We haven't got all day!

(From outside the room, we can see the same female mobian girls who are actually hearing them from inside the room, meaning that they never left in the first place.)

Jack Rabbit: It's working out perfectely! Sonic ain't... leavin' Sand-Blast City!

Female Mobian Duck & Female Mobian Wolf: (turns to Jack Rabbit)

Jack Rabbit: Not today... not tomorrow... nevah! He's gonna be a part o' this town for the rest o' his natural born days!

(What Jack Rabbit didn't know is that Fangz is spying on them through the window)

Fangz: (gets angry, growling) Bad rabbit! (turns back to the All Stars & goes up to them)

Spongebob: Fangz? Is something the matter?

Fangz: (whispers into Spongebob's ear, about why Jack Rabbit wants Sonic to be here in Sand-Blast City forever)

Spongebob: (gasps)

Applejack: Is something wrong, Spongebob?

Spongebob: (whispers the same thing to Applejack)

Applejack: (is now shocked to hear that) We gotta warn Sonic the Hedgehog!

(Back at the Devil's Gulag)

Snively: (trying to sneak away from the Legion of Darkness & the escaped prisoners) (in thought: I've got to get out of here and...)

Black Phantom: (spots Snively) There he is! (blocks his path) Gotcha!

Drago: Hey, Snively!

Snively: (turns to the group) Ulp!

Jawblade: Stop right there.

Drago: Where the heck do ya think you're goin' to?

Snively: (now completly) I... I...

Black Phantom: (picks Snively up) Don't be scared. We're not going to hurt you... much. You know why? (places Snively on Drago's shoulder)

Drago: You're callin' the shots from here on in! How'd you break the codes on the locks, anyway? Aww... forget it! I'm sure you'll be braggin' about it later, right?

Snively: Uhh... right.

Splitface: (metal side) Good, cause it's time for us to get outta here! (Organic Side) Yeah, what he said.

Black Phantom: Very well. To the escape ship!

(The Legion of Darkness, the Escaped prisoners & Snively makes their way to an escape ship out on the freeway)

(Back at Sand Blast City in the Night Time)

(We can see Tails is sleeping in bed)

Sonic: (tapping Tails, trying to wake him up) (whispers) Tails. Tails!

Tails: (wakes up to see Sonic & the All Stars [minus Zaktan]) Wha...? Sonic!

Spongebob & Sonic: Shhhhh?

Sonic: (whispers) Geez! Wake up the whole town, why don'tcha'?

Twilight Sparkle: (whispers) We've got a problem.

Sonic: I just got word from the All Stars, thanks to Fangz.

Fangz: Bad rabbit.

Sonic: Somehow, we've become prisoners, l'il buddy, and we haven't got much time if we're gonna make it outta here!

Applejack: Not with Jack Rabbit & his goons are watching up.

Sonic: I had to act like I wanted to stay so the Sand-Blasters wouldn't suspect I was onto 'em!

Spongebob: Wha?

Xplode: Okay?

Deimos: Well, that explains why you want to stay. You've pretended to stay.

Sonic: Another Chili-dog and I would've had to trademark a new faviorite snack!

EG Pinkie Pie: I'm almost up to the final stage, just gotta defeat endurances of Sub-Bosses & Zaktan's Sub-Boss before the final boss.

Meltdown: It's only been about hours.

EG Pinkie Pie: (giggles) Silly billy, I had to take a break for lunch & dinner. Just a consideration for my friends.

Spongebob: Let's move. (looks outside & looks around to see nobody's here) (whispers) All clear.

(Sonic, Tails & the All Stars, minus Zaktan makes their way outside)

Sonic: But now, I say we make tracks before...

???: Before what, Sonic?

(They all turn to see Jack Rabbit, along with his Sand Blaster Freedom Fighters.)

Rarity: Jack Rabbit!

Jack Rabbit: Before we tell you there's no gettin' through our force-field bubble?

Spongebob: Fangz was right, you are a bad rabbit.

Fangz: That's what I'm saying!

Sonic: I shoulda known you folks we're a little too friendly to be friends, Jack! What's become of the youth of today?

Rainbow Dash: Never mind all the questions, we have to move now!

Sonic: Oh well...

Spongebob: Listen, Jack Rabbit. We love to stick around & chat, but we're late for a very important mission to stop Naugus & Jinpachi. Goodbye now. (begins to run off)

Sonic: Come on, Tails! (follows Spongebob)

Tails: Okay! (to the Sand Blasters) See ya!

(The rest of the All Stars then starts attacking the Sand Blasters, before making their escape with Sonic, Tails & Spongebob)

Fangz: That's for keeping us here on purpose!

Jack Rabbit: (growls) Git 'em! But don't y'all harm 'em!

(As the Sand Blasters head after them, Pinkie Pie pulls out the arcade machine)

Avak: Pinkie?! How did you do that?

EG Pinkie Pie: I've got some catching up before Zaktan can be back with us. (continues playing the Tekken 1 game)

Tails: What now?

Sonic: We split up!

Spongebob: Split up?

Tails: And do what?

Sonic: You go get the biplane started!

Twilight Sparkle: The All Stars & I will have to find a hiding spot so that the guards won't see us hiding in there, we just want Zaktan back! We can't leave him behind!

Tails: (to Sonic) And what about you?

Sonic: I've gotta find a way to deactivate the field!

Spongebob: Good luck, you guys! All Stars, into a safe house!

Applejack: Where?

Spongebob: Anywhere!

(The All Stars begins their search for a safe house & found a large unguarded house & arrives there, entering inside the building)

Thok: Everyone inside!

Reidak: Move, move, move!

(As the All Stars entered inside, they immediately slams the door shut & hides)

Corroder: (whispers) Now what?

Edd: (whispers) Nobody make a sound & nobody make any sudden movements.

(As the All Stars kept quiet & stay perfectly still like statues, the Sand Blasters arrived & ran past the safe house)

Twilight Sparkle: (whispers) The coast is clear.

All Stars: (quietly sigh in relief)

Ed: Boy that was close.

Eddy: I got a cramp, listening to you.

Spongebob: Pinkie Pie, you're still in Equestria Girl human form, you gotta have to face the final boss of the Tekken 1 game, as Zaktan. The game just brought it out.

EG Pinkie Pie: Okie dokie lokie. I won't let you down.

???: Or would you?

(Suddenly they heard the voice coming from the shadows, 2 figures emerging from the shadows, one figure reveals to be an old, yet muscular man in black karate gear & has white hair & a white mustache, his name is Heihachi Mishima

Heihachi Mishima

Heihachi Mishima

. The 2nd figure with Heihachi is a big brown bear named "Kuma II"

Kuma II

Kuma II

, the son of the original "Kuma I".)

Rainbow Dash: Who are you guys?

Applejack: What in tarnation are you 2 doing here?

Heihachi: I have been waiting for you. (folds his arms) My name is Heihachi & this is my pet, Kuma.

Kuma II: (roars)

Heihachi: So... are all of you also in pursuit of the box?

Owen: The box? What box?

Heihachi: (grabs Owen's collar & holds him high)

Owen: AAH!

Heihachi: The box of Pandora! Where is it?!

Owen: We don't know the meaning of Pandora?

Heihachi: (growls as he throws Owen towards Timon & Pumbaa)

Owen, Timon & Pumbaa: Ouch!

Timon: (sarcastic) Oh, great choice of words, Owen.

Owen: Sorry.

Heihachi: (sighs) The box of Pandora says to have untold power. (holds up a beaker filled with a serum, for youth) And I must have it, for immortality!

Cody: Uh, question. What is that you're holding?

Heihachi: This serum would help me become younger again. Observe. (drinks the serum)

(Heihachi's whole body begins to transform into a younger form that he was 20 years ago, he feels stronger, faster & he even regains his whole head of black hair & a black mustache

Young Heihachi

Young Heihachi


Rarity: (gasps) Oh my goodness.

Eddy: This is not good.

Heihachi: Go ahead, attack me! I dare you!

Spongebob: And why should we do that?

Heihachi: Because the reason I sent your green monster, whom you called him "Zaktan", with this poster I left, is because... I want to annihiliate your friend as a test subject for my younger form to battle with.

Mane 6: (gasps)

EG Pinkie Pie: What?!

Spongebob: (now shocked) Wow, guess that makes sense. Pinkie Pie, continue playing the game & as for the rest of the All Stars, attack!

(The All Stars begins their attack against a now younger Heihachi & Kuma II, but it appears that Heihachi has become than anyone looks. First off, Heihachi smacks Spongebob down to the ground with a knee to the stomach & a punch to the face. Then Heihachi then sweep kicks Twilight, Applejack & Rainbow Dash, while giving Fluttershy & Rarity a powerful uppercut.)

Spongebob, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy & Rarity: (falls down)

Twilight Sparkle: Everypony, keep those 2 away from Pinkie Pie!

(Meanwhile Kuma II begins tackling through Reidak, Hakann, Vezok, Avak, Thok, the Hero Factory Villains & the Total Drama Gang with his ram. Kuma II then gives Harold & Cody a bear-hug, crushing them & lets them go to slam his body against an enraged Sierra down to the floor.)

Harold & Cody: (groaning in pain)

Harold: I think I broke my back.

(Heihachi then uses Ed as a bat & whacks Patrick, Squidward, Edd, Eddy, Dudley & Kitty with it)

Ed: Check please. I'll keep my eye on the... (got whacked at Kineticlops, by Heihachi) (groans) Ball...

Kineticlops: Hey! Watch it!

(Kuma II then tackles Congar, scratching his chest, causing Congar to roar. Then Heihachi throws Ed at Congar, causing Ed to crash into Congar)

Ed & Congar: Oof! Ed!

Ed: Yep, it's me alright.

(Kuma II then uses all of his strength to throw Congar at the War Monsters & the Giants, who caught them, but got caught by Heihachi's Godfist Punch, knocking them all down.)

Mordecai & Rigby: (charges)

(Suddenly, Heihachi then uses a spinning kick to send Mordecai & Rigby flying throughout the room. Then turns to Hank, Sanford, Deimos & Astro Boy, who begun their attack. However Heihachi caught them with a sleeper hold & slams them down to the ground.)

Boggy B & Donkey Kong: (charges at Heihachi)

(Then Kuma II saved Heihachi by ramming at Donkey Kong, tackling him to the ground, while Heihachi lands a powerful uppercut at Boggy B, senting him flying towards the big pile of knocked out All Stars, who are groaning in pain. As it turns out, Pinkie Pie wasn't watching all the action, she was too busy playing as Zaktan in the Tekken 1 game.)

EG Pinkie Pie: (notices she has reached to the final stage as Zaktan) Yay!

Heihachi & Kuma II: (turns to EG Pinkie Pie)

Heihachi: And then there was one...

????: (in union) Hey!

Kuma II: (turns to ????, who we're actually the Angry Birds)

Heihachi: ...for me to deal with that is. Kuma, take care of these angry birds for me.

Kuma II: (roars in agreement & turns to the Angry Birds, growling)

Red Bird: Angry Birds, attack!

(The Angry Birds begins attacking at Kuma II, who begins attacking back)

EG Pinkie Pie: (turns to Heihachi) Hi! I'm up to the Final Stage. You must be the final boss.

Heihachi: That is correct. (turns to Pinkie Pie) Now then... (gets into his battle stance) Can YOU withstand against my fists?

EG Pinkie Pie: I think I can. But I'm in the middle of this game.

Heihachi: (opens the portal by using Twilight Sparkle's magic from her) Prepare yourself, cause the game is now playing you!

????: Think again Heihachi! (emerges from the portal & tackles Heihachi to the ground)

(The being that appears from the portal, revealing himself to be Zaktan)

EG Pinkie Pie: Zaktan, you're back!

Zaktan: (notices the rest of the All Stars, groaning in pain & the Angry Birds, fighting against Kuma II) What's going on? I only left for hours & now look what happens!

Kuma II: (turns to Zaktan, growling even more louder)

Zaktan: Pinkie Pie, we'll have to work together for this battle.

EG Pinkie: Okie dokie lokie.

Zaktan: Alright then, Final Round! Fight!


(As the battle begins, the Angry Birds then helps the rest of the All Star gang regroup & get up carefully slow.)

Red Bird: Are you guys alright?

3 Blue Birds: Are you hurt?

Yellow Bird: Anything broken, even?

Spongebob: (rubbing his head) Wow, who knew Heihachi can pack a punch at such a young age.

Fangz: (feeling dizzy) Now I feel dizzy. (falls down again in dizziness)

Rarity: (her mane & tail are a bit messed up) Oh, just look at me. I'm a mess. (brushes her mane & tail back to it's former glory) There. Perfect.

Applejack: (shakes herself off) Boy howdy, I never thought that this Heihachi feller is that strong at a young age.

Eddy: How are we suppose to beat Heihachi, who is in at a young age like that?

Xplode: I'm thinking that Heihachi might lose a bit of his strength & power while he was aging. That's why he needed the serum to bring back his youth. And that could also mean why he needed that box of Pandora.

Spongebob: I don't know, but I believe we gotta take out the bear first.

Kuma II: (notices Squidward as fresh meat & starts chasing him)

Squidward: Uh oh! (starts running away from Kuma II, screaming)

Rainbow Dash: Well, that's one way to distract the bear.

Fangz: (opens the door to the basement)

Rainbow Dash: Squidward, over here!

Squidward: (goes to the door to the basement)

Kuma II: (diving at Squidward)

Squidward: (gulps) Oh great.

Vezok: (grabs Squidward & pulls him out of the way) Gotcha!

Kuma II: (falls down the stairs to the basement, feeling dizzy)

Owen: (quickly closes the door) Phew. That was close.

(We can see that Zaktan & EG Pinkie Pie are attacking Heihachi a lot more easier now Kuma II is down for the count.)

Zaktan: Pinkie! Prepare for the Tag Team Move!

EG Pinkie Pie: You got it, Zaktan! (pulls out her Party Cannon) Jump on in!

Zaktan: (enters inside the Party Cannon) Fire when ready!

EG Pinkie Pie: (nods)

Heihachi: (charging at Zaktan & EG Pinkie Pie, letting out a roar)

EG Pinkie Pie: SURPRIZE! (launches Zaktan out of the party cannon, at Heihachi)

Zaktan: (tackles Heihachi at the stomach with the wrestling move called the "Spear")

Heihachi: AAAUUUGGGHHH!!! (falls down, aging back to his normal age, groaning in pain)

Zaktan: (gets up) K.O.! Zaktan & Pinkie Pie wins!

Zaktan & EG Pinkie Pie: (hi fives each other)

EG Pinkie Pie: (changes back to her normal form)

Pinkie Pie: Now that's teamwork!

Spongebob: Well done you two.

Twilight Sparkle: Alright, we've taken care of Heihachi & Kuma II, now we must meet up with Sonic & get outta here.

(The All Stars then heads outside, only to notice Teridax & Goliath Prime are in the way.)

Teridax: Not so fast!

Goliath Prime: Your not going anywhere!

Applejack: Pinkie Pie? Remember when Teridax & Goliath Prime broke your Pinkie Promise?


Zaktan: Then what are you waiting for? Go get'em!

Pinkie Pie: GOLIATH PRIME! TERIDAX! YOU PINKIE PROMISED!! (begins attacking the 2 villains with no mercy)

Teridax & Goliath Prime: (got attacked by Pinkie Pie)

(The All Stars begins flinching at the sight of Pinkie Pie savagely attacking Teridax & Goliath Prime)

Teridax & Goliath Prime: (being laid out on the ground, with loads of heavy damage)

Pinkie Pie: (loads Teridax & Goliath Prime into a giant Party Cannon) Bye bye! (blasts Teridax & Goliath Prime away far across the city)

All Stars (minus Pinkie Pie): (their jaws dropped)

Pinkie Pie: What?

Spongebob: Never mind. Let's go!

(The All Stars then heads off to the Sponge Flyer)

Fluttershy: There's the Sponge Flyer!

Eddy: Thank goodness!

Vezok: We're free!

(Suddenly they we're stopped by Jack Rabbit.)

Fangz: Bad Rabbit!

Jack Rabbit: You & Sonic & Tails are not leaving this place ever! Are we gonna do this the easy way? Or the hard way?

Zaktan: (goes up to Jack Rabbit) You know what? I'll go with... MY WAY! (gives Jack Rabbit the big boot to the skull & hops aboard the Sponge Flyer) Let's go! Let's go!

Spongebob & Patrick: (hops on the Sponge Flyer)

Giants & War Monsters: (carries the rest of the All Stars away)

(Suddendly Kuma II emerges from the buildings & then grabs the tail of the Sponge Flyer)

Spongebob, Patrick & Zaktan: AAH!

Zaktan: Back up, Jack! (kicks Kuma II off the Bi-Plane before it takes off)

(The Sponge Flyer takes off)

Kuma II: (roaring in anger & rage)

Goliath Prime & Teridax: (noticing this & they are enraged)

Spongebob: That was a close call.

Patrick: You said it, pal.

(They met up with Sonic & Tails, who are flying in the Winged Victory.)

Tails: Hi there! You know what the experts say, that flying is a lot safer than...

Zaktan: We know, we know.

Rainbow Dash: (flies up) Ok, ok. Are you ok, Sonic?

Sonic: Just about anything in Sand-Blast, I take it! It's too bad... they liked me. They really, really liked me.

Tails: We can still go back and...

Sonic: Just fly the plane, Tails... just fly the plane...

Zaktan: Yeah. What do you think happened to Kazuya?

Twilight Sparkle: We'll find out eventually.

(Back with Heihachi)

(Heihachi is still unconscious. However he was picked up by Kazuya Mishima.)

Kazuya: Father. You will not stand in my way. (carries Heihachi through the portal back to the Tekken Universe.)

(In the Tekken Universe)

Kazuya: (carrying Heihachi to the edge of the cliff) Farewell... father. (drops Heihachi over the cliff)

Heihachi: (falling down)

Kazuya: (smiles evily) Vegenace is mine.

(At the Gulag...)

(The Legion of Darkness, plus Snively & the escaped prisoners are escaping from the Gulag in a space shuttle, they've stolen.)

Thornraxx: We've got away!

Sergeant Simian: Now that's what we call a jail-break! Where to next, Snively?

Snively: Where else? ROBOTROPOLIS!

Black Phantom: (smiles evily) All according to plan indeed.

The End

Story #2: Transcript

Zaktan in... Tekken 1


(We see the All Stars & Sonic & Tails are in their Bi-planes, & they are still tracking down Ixis Naugus & Jinpachi

SpongeBob: So tell me, how did you go in the Tekken Universe to get your memory back.

Pinkie Pie: Oh boy! Zaktan & I are having a great time.

Zaktan: Yeah, but fighting new opponents is not easy. It all started when I've arrived at the Tekken Universe.

(Many Hours Earlier, taking place where Zaktan enters the portal to the Tekken Universe)

(In the Universe of Tekken)

(We can see that a portal is opening up & Zaktan is emerging from it)

Zaktan: Now what am I suppose to do? (looks at the King of Iron Fist Tournament poster & remembers to sign it) Oh right.

(Zaktan then enters a hideout for the secret All Star version of the King of Iron Fist Tournament & goes up to the sign up table & signs up for the tournament)

Zaktan: There we go. My name is Zaktan.

Man: Thank you sir, right this way please. (takes Zaktan to the playable character select room) You will be facing the other 17 contestants in this tournament.

Zaktan: Alright then. Anything to jog my memory, we'll see about that. (enters the playable character select room & notices the 8 contestants) Hm?

(Zaktan took notice of the other 8 starting contestants, who then all looked at him. The starting fighters are Yoshimitsu, the sword wielding leader of the Manji Clan. Nina Williams, a female cold-blooded assassin. Marshall Law, a fighting chef. Paul Pheonix, a hot headed & aggressive man who wants to prove himself to be the best of the best. Jack-1, the original Jack created in Russia from the Jack Series. King I, a masked wrestler who fights to help and support his orphanage. Michelle Chang, a determined & strong minded women, who has a deep love for her family & for her enviroment, and a vengeful nature towards those who threaten them. And Kazuya Mishima, who clearly had a grudge with Zaktan because of the black eye.)

Paul: Hey, who's the big green reptile?

Zaktan: Oh, I'm not a reptile. I'm actually a Piraka and... (notices Kazuya) Do I know you?

Kazuya: (in thought: His memory is erased because of the desert heat dehydrated him. Interesting.

Zaktan: (notices the tournament is about to start) The tournament is starting.

(We see that the 8 fighters have gone to their original Tekken 1 character selection spots

Zaktan: (notices that there are 8 boxes) Hmm... how will I fit?

(Suddenly, Zaktan noticed a 9th box appears between Kazuya's & Paul's character select box)

Zaktan: Oh yeah. (gets in the 9th box) There we go.

(They noticed a screen appear & notices Pinkie Pie in her Equestria Girls Human form on screen, realizing that Pinkie Pie is the player.)

Zaktan: Isn't that the same pink pony I saw before?

EG Pinkie Pie: (from the screen) Lookie, I saw Zaktan on an extra character slot!

Zaktan: Am I... in a game?

HF Rotor: (from the screen) Really? Where?

Spongebob: (from the screen, noticing Zaktan in the game) Oh, there he is. Pinkie Pie, while your in your Equestria Girl human form, you'll have to beat the game to get Zaktan's memory back.

EG Pinkie Pie: (salutes) I won't let you down. (selects Zaktan)

Announcer: Zaktan!

Zaktan: Looks like I'm ready. (got teleported to Kyoto [Tekken 1])

Stage 1: Zaktan vs. Michelle Chang (Kyoto)

Zaktan: (arrived in Kyoto by teleportation) Where am I? (looks around to see Kyoto in a snowy day) Hmm... lots of snow around here.

Michelle Chang: (arrives) You must be my first opponent. I must get my revenge on Heihachi for his men killing my father.

Zaktan: Revenge huh? Sounds like somebody I know, but I forget. Anywho, you gonna have to defeat me first. (gets into his battle stance)

Announcer: Round 1! Fight!


EG Pinkie Pie: (from the screen) Here I go! (begins to control Zaktan)

Zaktan: (felt being controlled) What the...?!

Zaktan & Michelle: (charges at each other)

Zaktan: (felt being charged forward) AAAH!

Zaktan: (kicks at Michelle)

Michelle: (punches Zaktan 3 times)

Zaktan: (grabs Michelle & does a powerbomb at Michelle)

Michelle: Ugh! (gets up)

Zaktan: (uppercuts Michelle)

Michelle: (growls as she kicks Zaktan's face)

Zaktan: Hey! (tackles Michelle with a spear, a wrestling move)

Michelle: UUURGH! (falls down)

Announcer: K.O.! Zaktan wins!

Zaktan: (gets up & fist pumps with both fists & aims the Zamor Launcher at the screen) Now you know why revenge is not the answer.

Michelle: I never thought of that. But I must for my father. You must avenge my father for me & watch out for a ninja I saw before. Her name is Kunimitsu, she is formerly from a clan & she intends to steal.

Zaktan: (in thought: Like a thief? Sly Cooper would get some competition.) (notices EG Pinkie Pie) Say, who are you?

EG Pinkie Pie: It's me, Pinkie Pie. We're part of the All Star Freedom Fighters. We save Planet Mobius together.

Zaktan: Pinkie Pie?

EG Pinkie Pie: There you go.

Zaktan: (notices that he's about to be teleported) Here we go again. (got teleported)

Stage 2: Zaktan vs. Yoshimitsu (Ankgor Wat)

Zaktan: (arrived & looks around) First a snowy day in Japan & now here? Looks like there are lots of temples here.

EG Pinkie Pie: Yes indeedy.

Yoshimitsu: (arrives while spinning his blade around like a helicopter blade, speaking in an unknown language) (translation: Hold it right there!)

Zaktan: (turns to Yoshimitsu) Huh?

Yoshimitsu: (lands & looks at Zaktan) It is time for a fight to the death.

Zaktan: I don't know what you said, but if it's a fight you want, now you're talking.

Yoshimitsu: (translation: Prepare yourself!)

Announcer: Round 2! Fight!


EG Pinkie Pie: (begins controlling Zaktan)

Zaktan: (punches at Yoshimitsu)

Yoshimitsu: (does a swing kick at Zaktan)

Zaktan: Ow! (falls down & gets up & does a 4 punch combo with an uppercut at Yoshimitsu)

Yoshimitsu: Ugh, ugh ugh ugh, Ugh! (falls down & gets up & slashes his sword at Zaktan)

Zaktan: (dodges) Watch where you swing that thing! (tackles at Yoshimitsu, with a wrestling move, the "Spear")

Yoshimitsu: UGH! (falls down & gets up & grabs Zaktan & punches him down)

Zaktan: Hey! (gets up & then charges at Yoshimitsu & does a flying kick at Yoshimitsu)

Yoshimitsu: UGH! (falls down)

Announcer: K.O.! Zaktan wins!

Zaktan: (pretends to be boxing & begins to listen & grins at the camera) When is this match turn into a sword fight?

Yoshimitsu: (speaking in unknown language) (Translation: You have defeated me, fair & square. Now I must be off, but I must warn you about my target, the person who I'm gonna steal money from. He is Ganryu, a sumo wrestler. Becareful, his attacks might be powerful.)

Zaktan: Pinkie? Are you getting all this?

EG Pinkie Pie: Kunimitsu & Ganryu, I got it.

Zaktan: Ok then. Who's next? (got teleported)

Stage 3: Zaktan vs. King I (Stadium)

Zaktan: (arrives & looks around) A baseball stadium? Pinkie, why am I in a baseball stadium?

EG Pinkie Pie: It looks like it's clearly the thrid match in a cycle. (smiles)

Zaktan: (sighs) Kyoto with a nature loving woman, Angkor Wat with a sword wielding ninja, now a baseball stadium? Who else can I expect in this game.

(Suddenly, Zaktan hears roars coming from behind him)

Zaktan: Don't tell me that's my stomach.

EG Pinkie Pie: No silly, that was your next opponent; A wrestler in a jaquar mask.

Zaktan: What?! (turns to his opponent)

(We can see that Pinkie Pie is right, it is a wrestler in a jaquar mask, who is actually King I.)

King I: (roars) (translation: I'm winning this for the orphanage!)

EG Pinkie Pie: Aww, that's so sweet & touching. I love kids!

Zaktan: (turns to the screen) Wait, you can understand his language?!

EG Pinkie Pie: And I also speak in Turkey. Watch. (begins to gobble like a turkey)

Zaktan: Not an actually turkey, I meant a country that is named... aw never mind. (turns to King I) Alright, I'm getting my memory back & so far, I remember Pinkie Pie!

King I: (roars) (translation: Only one can advance to the next round & that will be me! With all due respect.)

Announcer: Round 3! Fight!


EG Pinkie Pie: Okie dokie lokie! (begins controlling Zaktan with the Arcade Machine)

Zaktan: (charges at King I)

King I: (begins a 5 punch combo at Zaktan)

Zaktan: Ow ow ow ow ow! (uppercuts King I)

King I: (falls down & gets up)

Zaktan: Pinkie? Any ideas before I get beaten to a pulp?

EG Pinkie Pie: You we're controlled by the Arcade Machine?

Zaktan: How was that even possible? (dodges King I's punches & slams him to the ground with a powerbomb)

EG Pinkie Pie: Avak said he was sorry.

Zaktan: (not amused) Really?

King I: (does 3 sweep kicks at Zaktan)

Zaktan: (got tripped & then gets up) That's it! (does a super kick at King I)

King I: (roars in pain)

Announcer: Great!

Zaktan: (notices he's low in health in this fight) Oh right.

Announcer: You win!

Zaktan: (fist pumps with both of his fists & aims his Zamor launcher at the screen) Did I do that?

King I: (roars) (translation: I failed. I'm sorry, kids.)

Zaktan: Look, it's gonna be alright. I'll just give you the cash money when I win, problem solved.

King I: (roars) (translation: Thank you. Your so kind. If you have any time left, would you please teach me the ways of your wrestling fighting style, like my master Armor King has taught me?)

Zaktan: I would love to, but I have other problems to deal with, like stopping Ixis Naugus & Jinpachi Mishima, but thanks for the other though.

EG Pinkie Pie: That's very kind of you to try to win the cash money for King I. This calls for a celerbration.

Zaktan: Not yet. I still have a long way to go. (feels that he's about to be teleported) And it looks like I'll be elsewhere next... again. (got teleported)

Stage 4: Zaktan vs. Nina Williams (Monument Valley)

Zaktan: (arrives & looks around) Where am I? This place seems... dry.

EG Pinkie Pie: Look at all of those monuments in this valley.

Zaktan: What am I at now, a desert?

EG Pinkie Pie: Ooh! Is it Appleloosa?

Zaktan: No. And it looks like the sun is setting.

???: For your life that is. (appears to be Nina Williams)

Zaktan: Who are you this time?

Nina: I am Nina Williams, I am a cold blooded assassin. And this will be your dying day! (signals about beheading)

Zaktan: (gulps)

Announcer: Round 4! Fight!


EG Pinkie Pie: Here I go! (controlls Zaktan to battle Nina)

Zaktan: (punches at Nina)

Nina: (roughly throws Zaktan above & behind her)

Zaktan: Whoa! (falls down & gets up & uses a wrestling move, the "Spear" to tackle down Nina)

Nina: AUGH! (falls down & gets up & kicks Zaktan's face)

Zaktan: Ouch! (gets up & uppercuts Nina)

Nina: (blocks & then kicks Zaktan's chest)

Zaktan: Whoa! What the?!

Nina: (grabs Zaktan's arm & wraps her legs on his chest, around his arm & tries to break it)

Zaktan: Ouch! (uses his power to lift up Nina & then uses the powerbomb on Nina, using it as a counter)

Nina: AUGH!

Announcer: K.O.! Zaktan wins!

Zaktan: (pretends to be boxing & begins to listen & grins at the camera) I'm not planning on dying here, anyday.

Nina: Impressive, you have the will power to never give up. Too bad I'm planning to take you out again, but I can't. You just got lucky that you didn't face my sister, Anna Williams. She is a tough sister, she wants me killed anyway. Good luck trying to defeat her, you're gonna need it.

Zaktan: Nina has a sister?

EG Pinkie Pie: You know, I have 2 sisters once, one of them is named "Maud Pie", she likes rocks.

Zaktan: Oookay? Anyway, onto our next opponent. (got teleported)

Stage 5: Zaktan vs. Jack-1 (Acropolis)

Zaktan: (arrives) This place looks very ancient. Might be a good place to check out.

EG Pinkie Pie: (notices something in the distance) Zaktan? Why is there a Jack-1 Bot here in the game?

Zaktan: Uh? (turns to see that it's actually a Jack-1 Bot, but it's the original) What the?! What's a Jack-1 Bot doing here? Doesn't matter, I'll turn it into scrap metal!

Jack-1: (scans Zaktan) (robotic voice) Scanning complete. My opponent is mistaken for my betrayed brothers who have joined with Plankton.

Zaktan: Wait, you know him?

Jack-1: That is correct. He has stolen the plans from G-Corporation & use them to create evil versions of my robotic kind.

Zaktan: No wonder he wasn't crafty enough to build those things. He was too tiny before, but now he's about Dr. Eggman's size.

EG Pinkie Pie: Yeah, Plankton's not so teeny tiny now.

Jack-1: It doesn't matter now. I must complete my task on taking down Kazuya Mishima.

Zaktan: You know, I was thinking the exact same thing.

Announcer: Round 5! Fight!


EG Pinkie Pie: Good luck, Zaktan! (controlls Zaktan)

Zaktan: Your the one controlling me with the Arcade Machine in the first place!

Jack-1: (charges & gives Zaktan the big boot to the face)

Zaktan: Ouch! (falls down & gets up) That's it! Here I come! (charges & tackles Jack-1 to the ground)

Jack-1: Oof!

Zaktan: (gets up)

Jack-1: (gets up & punches Zaktan 3 times)

Zaktan: (blocks & then uppercuts Jack-1)

Jack-1: (blocks & then punchs Zaktan)

Zaktan: Ow!

Jack-1: (then grabs Zaktan & slams him down)

Zaktan: Ouch! Pinkie, do something! (gets up)

EG Pinkie Pie: Hold on, I think I got it! (controlls Zaktan)

Zaktan: (does a 5 punch combo & an uppercut at Jack-1)

Jack-1: Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh! (falls down & gets up)

Zaktan: (grabs Jack-1 & then lifts him up with all the strength he's got & does a powerbomb on Jack-1)

Jack-1: AUGH!

Announcer: K.O.!

EG Pinkie Pie: Wow!

Announcer: You win!

Zaktan: (fist pumps with both of his fists & then aims his Zamor Launcher at the screen) (panting as he falls down) Wow, that was intense.

EG Pinkie Pie: You're so super strong!

Zaktan: That's because I've used up all of my energy for one giant powerbomb. Now I'm... p-p-pooped.

Jack-1: (sparks a bit) You have proven your speed & power & won this fight. Becareful of my prototype, Prototype-Jack, or P-Jack for short. It intends to be a bit unstable.

Zaktan: Pinkie Pie, they're warnings about rivals just keeps getting better & better.

EG Pinkie Pie: (presses pause)

Zaktan: (suddenly freeze in place) Huh? What happened? Why can't I move?

EG Pinkie Pie: It's a perfect time for you to rest up. And that's one thing.

Zaktan: What's the other thing?

EG Pinkie Pie: (her stomach begins to gurgle) It's my tummy, that means I'm hungry. Let's eat.

Zaktan: Except I can't move! That means I can't even eat!

EG Pinkie Pie: Sorry, once I get back from lunch time, you'll be well rested to fight again. (smiles, squee & then leaves)

Zaktan: (sighs) Great. (his stomach begins to growl) (gets a bit annoyed as he got teleported again) Here we go again.

Stage 6: Zaktan vs. Law (Fiji)

EG Pinkie Pie: (comes back, noticing Zaktan is now in Fiji) Hi Zaktan, enjoying your break.

Zaktan: I wish I can relax again, but I can't seem to move.

EG Pinkie Pie: Oopsie, sorry. You're still in pause. (unpauses the game & controlls Zaktan again)

Zaktan: (he can move again) Thanks. I needed that.

EG Pinkie Pie: Your welcome.

Zaktan: (sighs) If that's luck, give me disaster.

???: (ambushes by kicking Zaktan from behind)

Zaktan: (got hit at the back of the head & falls down) ACK! (falls down) Oof! (gets up) Who did that? (turns to the one who ambushed him)

(The figure who ambushed Zaktan is none other than Marshall Law.)

Marshall Law: You should've expect the unexpected, instead you got ambushed.

Zaktan: (growls) Now your starting to tick me off & it's the perfect chance to fuel my anger to thin out the numbers!

Marshall Law: You must not let emotion overpower you, whatever it takes.

Zaktan: Oh now you tell me!

Announcer: Round 6! Fight!


EG Pinkie Pie: (begins to controll Zaktan)

Zaktan: (punches at Law)

Marshall Law: (blocks & does a somersault kick)

Zaktan: Ouch! (falls down & gets up) Where did that even come from?

EG Pinkie Pie: Look out! (controlls Zaktan to block)

Zaktan: (got controlled by Pinkie Pie to block)

Marshall Law: (does a flying kick at Zaktan)

Zaktan: (blocks & grabs Marshall Law & does a powerbomb at him)

Marshall Law: Augh! (gets up & then runs on Zaktan & jumps up, doing a somersault & came back down, crashing on top of Zaktan)

Zaktan: (felt being run on by Marshall Law, but still standing) What the...?! (got crushed by Marshall Law) Ouch!

Marshall Law: (gets off of Zaktan)

Zaktan: (gets up) He's everywhere!

EG Pinkie Pie: Wow, he's fast like Rainbow Dash.

Zaktan: Wait... if I wait just the right time, I can deflect his attacks.

Marshall Law: Do you surrender?

Zaktan: Never!

Marshall Law: Very well. (charges at Zaktan)

Zaktan: (waiting) Hold the line, Pinkie...

Marshall Law: (still charging at Zaktan)

Zaktan: (waiting) Hold the line...

EG Pinkie Pie: (still waiting for the right moment)

Marshall Law: (letting out a battle cry while charging at Zaktan, who is now getting closer)

Zaktan: NOW!

EG Pinkie Pie: (controlls Zaktan)

Zaktan: (does a super kick at Zaktan)

Marshall Law: ! (got kicked at the face, getting pushed backwards) Augh!

Zaktan: (jumps up & then slams on top of Marshall Law)

Marshall Law: AUGH!!

Announcer: K.O.! Zaktan wins!

Zaktan: (pretends he is boxing & then begins listening & then smiles at the screen) This is tough, even on an empty stomach.

Marshall Law: Incredible. Of all my teachings, I've never seen this unexpected beast who have defeated me in battle. You might watch out for a wise master known as Wang Jinrei. He is intelligent of learning the fighting styles & don't let his old age fool you, he still got it.

Zaktan: A karate master? Interesting. (his stomach growls again) Say, Pinkie? Is there any food around here? I'm starving.

EG Pinkie Pie: Let me check (spots a coconut tree) There's a coconut tree, behind you.

Zaktan: (turns around to see it) Finally, coconuts! (goes up to the coconut tree & climbs up & grabs the coconut from the tree) Finally! LUNCH TIME! (about to eat the coconut, but was teleported without the coconut)

Stage 7: Zaktan vs. Paul Pheonix (Szechwan)

Zaktan: (arrives, without the coconut & realized this) Aw come on now! I'm starving!

EG Pinkie Pie: Oopsie. Sorry.

Zaktan: Pinkie Pie! I was gonna drink that coconut milk!

EG Pinkie Pie: Zaktan, are you feeling ok?

Zaktan: I'm getting hungry & believe me, you wouldn't like me when I'm hungry!

????: I don't like you now from the looks of you, you lizard!

Zaktan: (turns to see ????, who is actually Paul Pheonix) Says who?

Paul: Paul Pheonix! I will become the toughest fighter in the universe!

Zaktan: You sound like you mean something.

Paul: As you will soon discover!

Announcer: Round 7! Fight!


EG Pinkie Pie: (controlls Zaktan once again)

Zaktan: (kicks at Paul Pheonix)

Paul: Aah! (jumps & kicks Zaktan 2 times)

Zaktan: Ow ow! (falls down & gets up & tackles Paul down with a wrestling move, the "Spear") Ha!

Paul: (gets up & then trips & elbows Zaktan away)

Zaktan: Ouch! (falls down & gets up & uppercuts Paul & gives him a flying kick)

Paul: Ugh! Aah! (gets up & elbows Zaktan downwards & power punches Zaktan, sending him backwards)

Zaktan: Hey! Ouchie! (falls down & gets up slowly, feeling more hungry)

EG Pinkie Pie: Zaktan? Are you feeling okie dokie?

Zaktan: Not exactly. (hear his stomach growling) Gotta control... my hunger...

EG Pinkie Pie: Come on, who's the top dog?

Zaktan: How is this gonna help me?

EG Pinkie Pie: Incoming charge from opponent! Say it again with me! Who's the top dog?

Paul: (charges at Zaktan)

Zaktan: Gotta... controll... my... hunger...

EG Pinkie Pie: (chanting "Who's the Top Dog?")

Zaktan: (his stomach begins growling louder as he is starving) Gotta... controll... my... (finally snapped as his eyes glows purple very brightly) OH FORGET IT!

Paul: (almost reached towards Zaktan)

Zaktan: (his teeth becomes very sharp) I'M THE TOP DOG! (charges at Paul in a ferel state) RRRWAAARRRRR!!!

Paul: (stops, noticing Zaktan's ferel rage) What the...?!

Zaktan: (tackles Paul Pheonix with all of his strength)

Paul: AUGH!

Announcer: K.O.! Zaktan wins!

Zaktan: (gets up & then fist pumps with both of his fists & aims his Zamor Launcer at the screen) Not as tough as you thought. (felt his stomach growling even more) I'm starving even more!

EG Pinkie Pie: (notices the portal being opened & then throws 2 sandwichs at the portal, sending them to Zaktan) Here you go, sandwichs I made for you.

Zaktan: (catches the sandwiches & starts eating them)

EG Pinkie Pie: Wowee, you sure are one hungry Piraka.

Zaktan: (finishes eating them) Mmm, thanks. I needed that.

Paul: It can't be! A green lizard like you, defeating a bruiser like me? It ain't right! Fine, you want to how to survive the next stage? You gonna have to take out a large bear name "Kuma". But if you lose, believe you me, you don't wanna be you!

Zaktan: Kuma? (felt being teleported again) Not again. (got teleported)

Stage 8: Zaktan vs. Kazuya Mishima (King George Island)

Zaktan: (arrived & noticed that King George Island is a Giant Iceberg Island in Antarctica) What in the name of... It's freezing out here!

EG Pinkie Pie: You didn't forget to pack your snow clothes, didn't you?

Zaktan: Come on, I can take on the cold!

???: Well, well, well. We meet again...

(Zaktan turns around to see Kazuya Mishima)

Zaktan: (looks carefully & notices Kazuya's glowing red eye & gasps as he finally remembers the events from Sonic underground to the first 77 episodes of Archie Sonic the Hedgehog: Crossover) Kazuya Mishima!

Kazuya: So you finally got your memory back. Too bad I have to defeat you myself.

EG Pinkie Pie: Wow, it's gonna be a showdown!

Zaktan: Now I'll have to do is to face you & I'll be on my way!

Kazuya: I don't think that would be possible. I intend to finish you off myself right here & now.

Announcer: Round 8! Fight!


EG Pinkie Pie: (controlls Zaktan once more)

Zaktan: (kicks at Kazuya)

Kazuya: (punches Zaktan 3 times)

Zaktan: (uppercuts at Kazuya & then does a spining roundhouse kick at Kazuya)

Kazuya: (trips Zaktan)

Zaktan: (gets up & then grabs Zaktan & knees him at the face)

Kazuya: Ugh! (falls down & gets up) Your weak (grabs Zaktan & headbutts him to the ground)

Zaktan: (falls down & gets up, rubbing his head) Pinkie? Any ideas?

EG Pinkie Pie: (starts thinking) Hmm...

Zaktan: (dodging the attacks from Kazuya) Quickly, I'm running out of time here!

EG Pinkie Pie: Hold on, I'm getting something.

Kazuya: (does a dragon uppercut at Zaktan)

Zaktan: AUGH! (falls down & gets up slowly) Hurry! I'm starting to feel woozy!

EG Pinkie Pie: I got it! All you need is a party cannon.

Zaktan: I can't! There are no weapons here, except Yoshimitsu with his sword which has the same name.

EG Pinkie Pie: (giggles nervously) Sorry.

Zaktan: (uppercuts Kazuya) Think of something else! Quick!

Kazuya: (growls as he grabs Zaktan & kicks him in the head 2 times, the 2nd one has knocked him to the ground)

Zaktan: Ouch! (falls down & gets up slowly & painfully) PINKIE! Use your brain!

EG Pinkie Pie: I know what to do! Combo Time! (controlls Zaktan into beginning the combo attack)

Zaktan: What? (felt being controlled) Whoa! Wha...?

Kazuya: (about to grab Zaktan)

Zaktan: (backs up & then begins the combo against Kazuya)

EG Pinkie Pie: Punch! Punch! Kick! Kick! Uppercut! Punch! Kick! Punch! Kick! Kick! Punch! Kick! Punch! Jump! Grab! SLAM!

(Zaktan begins the combo by punches at Kazuya 2 times, then kicks him 2 times, then uppercuts him, sending him up in the air. Then Zaktan punches, kicks, punches, kicks 2 times, punches, kicks & punches Kazuya while he's in the air. Zaktan jumps up & grabs Kazuya, while he's still in the air & does an powerbomb that slams Kazuya to the ground)

Kazuya: UGH!

Announcer: Great! Zaktan wins!

Zaktan: (pretends to be boxing & then pretends to listen to the crowd & then smiles at the camera) We... did it. (panting as he falls down on his back)

EG Pinkie Pie: Yay! (notices Zaktan is feeling tired) Are you ok? Is it sleepy time already?

Zaktan: Yeah, whatever that meant.

EG Pinkie Pie: (notices Spongebob behind him) Hi Spongebob!

Spongebob: (from the screen, covering Pinkie Pie's mouth) Shhh... it's time to move out.

Zaktan: Hey! Spongebob! Over here!

Spongebob: Zaktan, you got your memory back.

Zaktan: Yeah & guess what, I've defeated Kazuya... see? (turns to see Kazuya, but he is missing, meaning he already escaped) Where'd he go?

Spongebob: Come on. Let's go.

Zaktan: Alright, I'll go back to normal. (about to leave, but got teleported again) Yipe!

Stage 9 (Endurance Round #1): Zaktan vs. Lee Chaolan, Anna Williams, Kunimitsu & Wang Jinrei (Venezia)

Zaktan: (arrived & looks around) What the? Where am I?

???: (echoing throughout the background) It's not over, til I say it's over.

Zaktan: Who are you?

???: I am the one who send you the poster. I am Heihachi Mishima, I am here to finish you off with my strength & power since I was a young man.

Zaktan: Dude! What's your problem?

Heihachi: I am in pursuit of the box of Pandora. It holds untold power that is more powerful than you ever imagine. Let's see if you get past the endurance round!

Zaktan: Endurance round?! Since when does it have that?

Heihachi: Let's just say it's a Team Battle! Good luck, you definately gonna need it!

Zaktan: (notices 4 figures, who we're actually Anna Williams, the rival of Nina Williams. Kunimitsu, the rival of Michelle Chang. Wang Jinrei, the rival of Marshall Law & finally, the rival of Kazuya Mishima is none other than Lee Chaolan) Pinkie Pie? I hope you can use your energy for this! Start pressing buttons!

EG Pinkie Pie: Okie dokie lokie!

(The first one to face Zaktan is Kunimitsu)

Zaktan: (gets into his battle stance)

Kunimitsu: (readies her kunai blade) You will see the darkness of your death.

Announcer: Round 9! Fight!


EG Pinkie Pie: Here I go! (starts pressing buttons, controlling Zaktan's attacks & combos)

(Kunimitsu charges Zaktan with a kunai blade raised, but he parries the attack and punches her across the face, knocking her down.)

Kunimitsu: Aah!

(Anna tries next, but Zaktan blocks her attacks, grabs her arm, knees her and punches in the face, letting her drop & then Zaktan stomps on Anna's stomach.)

Anna: Ugh!

(Kunimitsu moves back in, but Zaktan kicks her down before she can even strike and stomps on her face, knocking her out cold.)

Kunimitsu: UGH! (knocked out)

Announcer: Kunimitsu, eliminated!

Zaktan: (chuckles) Who's next?

(Wang Jinrei attacks next, but Zaktan dodges his attack, kicks him in the knee and caves in his lower jaw with a ferocious punch, knocking him out.)

Wang: Augh!

(Lee Chaolan charges in, but Zaktan blocks his attack, punches him across the face, rabbit punches him and unleashes a brutal uppercut to Lee's face that knocked him out silly and sends his body flying away.)

Lee: Uh!

(Anna runs to face him again, but he grabs both of her arms and drives his foot at her throat, knocking her down again)

Anna: AUGH! (knocked out)

Announcer: Anna Willaims, eliminated!

(Wang tries to kick Zaktan, but he grabs the master's leg, knees him in the groin, then grapples him in a sleeper hold and snaps his neck, leaving him out cold.)

Wang: AUGH! (falls down, knocked out)

Announcer: Wang Jinrei, eliminated!

(Lee Chaolan charges right into a high kick by Zaktan, that sends Lee sprawling.)

Lee: UGH! (knocked out)

Announcer: Lee Chaolan, eliminated! Perfect! Zaktan wins!

Zaktan: (flexes his muscles & smiles, with his teeth shining bright)

EG Pinkie Pie: Incredible!

Zaktan: Thank you, but it was your mad arcade machine playing skills that did all the work for me. (got teleported) Whoa!

Stage 10 (Endurance Round #2): Zaktan vs. Kuma I, P-Jack, Armor King & Ganryu (Chicago)

Zaktan: (arrived) Not again! Looks like I'll have to fight like there's no tomorrow or I won't have a tomorrow.

Ganryu: (arrived with Armor King, Kuma I & Prototype Jack) Too late for that!

(Zaktan notices the 4 figures, Ganryu as a sumo wrestler. Kuma I who is the father bear of Kuma II. Armor King, the wrestler in a black jaquar mask & black armor. And Prototype Jack, the robot prototype of the original Jack-1.)

Zaktan: 4 of you guys, again? I'm getting tired of this. Take me to Heihachi!

Armor King: Heihachi is not here, but your rival is.

Kuma I: (roars) (in translation: If you want to get to your rival, you'll have to get through us first!)

Zaktan: (a bit dumbfolded, not understanding what Kuma I is saying) Pinkie? Are you seeing the subtitles for this arcade game?

EG Pinkie Pie: I see them just fine. He says that if we want to get to your rival, we'll have to get through these guys first.

Zaktan: Here we go again.

P-Jack: (readies his right drill) Initiate battle mode!

Announcer: Round 10! Fight!


EG Pinkie Pie: (starts controlling Zaktan to do punches, kicks, blocks & combos)

(P-Jack rushes forward and tries to punch Zaktan, but Zaktan grabs his hand and punches the bot in the face twice.)

P-Jack: Ugh! Ugh!

(Armor King runs forward with a roundhouse kick, but Zaktan ducks it and grabs Armor King in a choke hold.)

Armor King: (growls)

(Zaktan kicks P-Jack away and throws Armor King aside, before turning to Garnyu.)

P-Jack: Ow!

(Garnyu tries to attack Zaktan with his sumo palm attacks, but Zaktan blocks those attacks & gives him the big boot to the stomach.)

Garnyu: Augh!

(Zaktan then uppercuts Garnyu aside & then turns to Kuma I, who starts attacking again.)

Kuma I: (roars)

(Zaktan blocks the bear's attacks, punches him twice and kicks him down. As Kuma I tries to rise, Zaktan grabs the bear arm, pulls him in and repeatedly punches him in face, before dropping him with a flying kick.)

(Armor King goes for Zaktan again, but his attack is blocked and Zaktan punches him in the stomach, and then across the face.)

(Ganryu tries again, but unables to land a blow at Zaktan. Zaktan grabs Ganryu's hand as Ganryu throws an ineffectual strike.)

Zaktan: I don't think so, bub! (blasts him in the face with a super kick)

Ganryu: NOOO! (falls down, knocked out)

Announcer: Ganryu, eliminated!

Zaktan: Who's next?

Kuma I: (nails Zaktan with a bear punch)

Zaktan: (got hit & then he stomps Kuma I at the stomach) WATCH IT BUB!

Kuma I: (roars in pain, falls down & knocked out)

Announcer: Kuma, eliminated!

Zaktan: (launches a charged zamor sphere at P-Jack, stunning the bot)

P-Jack: (falls down & gets up slowly)

Zaktan: (charges at P-Jack & spears the bot with a wrestling move, the spear)

P-Jack: AUGH! (falls down, knocked out)

Announcer: Prototype Jack, eliminated!

(Zaktan & Armor King look each other in the eye, circling one another & then they both tackle each other down, trying to get on top of the other.)

Armor King: (throws Zaktan off) (roars as he makes a thumbs down & grabs Zaktan & slams his head on his knee)

Zaktan: Ouch! (falls down & gets up & then uppercuts Armor King)

Armor King: (growls & then suplex Zaktan to the ground)

Zaktan: (on his back) Pinkie! Press the new buttons! (gets up)

EG Pinkie Pie: (starts pressing buttons)

Zaktan: (grabs Armor King & then does a spinebuster on Armor King)

Armor King: (falls down, roars in pain)

Announcer: Armor King, eliminated! K.O.! Zaktan wins!

Zaktan: (notices a robotic fly & then tries to swat it, but misses, then he slashes the robotic fly into pieces with his tri-scissors & stomps on the pieces & looks at the screen) That's all of them. Now for my rival! (notices Pinkie) What's going on?

EG Pinkie Pie: We're being chased by Jack Rabbit & his Sand Blasters!

Zaktan: Great. All it's left to do is to find my rival & then stop him & then stop the one responsible for bringing me here to kill me! (got teleported)

Stage 11: Zaktan vs. Teridax (Windermere)

Zaktan: (arrives) Alright, if your not yellow, come on out of here. You no longer hide in shadow!

???: I am shadow!

Zaktan: (gasps in shock, upon recognising that voice) Oh no! It's you!

???: (appears to be Teridax)

Teridax: Yes! For it is I, the Makuta, known as Teridax!

Zaktan: Where's Heihachi Mishima?

Teridax: He's not here. He's busy taking out your friends!

Zaktan: Pinkie?! What's going on out here?

EG Pinkie: What's that, Zaktan? I can't hear you from all this fighting noises.

Zaktan: You'll have to take me back once I defeat you!

Teridax: Very well, but you'll have only have one round.

Zaktan: That's all I need.

Announcer: Round 11! Fight!


(A silver ball shoots upwards & Zaktan & Teridax jumps up & then grabs the silver ball with their weapons)

Zaktan: (catches it with his Tri-Scissor Blade first & throws it at Teridax) Come on!

Teridax: (catches it with his Staff of Shadows & throws it back at Zaktan)

Zaktan: (dodges) Whoa! (jumps up & kicks Teridax's head)

Teridax: (growls as he throws the second silver ball at Zaktan)

Zaktan: (dodges again) Whoa!

Teridax: Still running, Piraka?

(A 3rd silver ball shoots up & Zaktan & Teridax jumps up & grabs it, but Teridax grabs it first)

Teridax: My brother...! (throws the silver ball at Zaktan)

Zaktan: (dodges) Whoa!

Teridax Shall not...! (throws another silver ball at Zaktan)

Zaktan: (dodges barely) Yeow!

Teridax: Be awakened! (throws yet another silver ball at Zaktan)

Zaktan: (dodges again) Yeah! Come on! (uppercuts Teridax)

Teridax: (growls as he pushes Zaktan away with his foot)

Zaktan: Whoa! (falls down & gets up) I'm not giving up! That's why a real All Star Warrior never quits!

Teridax: Do you actually believe that I would let you return to your friends. (uppercuts Zaktan sky high)

Zaktan: AUGH! (got punched upwards very high)

Teridax: You will not leave.

Zaktan: (begins to fall down) AAAAHHH!!!

Teridax: (throws a 6th Silver Ball at Zaktan)

EG Pinkie Pie: (gasps) No! (notices the portal is closing & got an idea) Zaktan! (sends her Party Cannon inside the portal) Use this!

(Slow Motion begins as The Party Cannon was sent towards Zaktan as he grabs it)

Zaktan: (catches the silver ball with the Party Cannon & then launches the silver ball with it at Teridax)

(Time goes back to normal as Teridax notices the counterattack)

Teridax: What?! (got hit by the supercharged silver ball & was pushed backwards) AUGH!

Announcer: K.O.! Zaktan wins!

EG Pinkie Pie: Yay!

Zaktan: (panting) It's over. Thanks for the hand, Pinkie Pie. (sends the Party Cannon back in the portal to Pinkie Pie)

EG Pinkie Pie: You're welcome! (notices Heihachi & Kuma II outside the Arcade Machine) Hi! I'm up to the Final Stage. You must be the final boss.

Heihachi: That is correct. (turns to Pinkie Pie) Now then... (gets into his battle stance) Can YOU withstand against my fists?

Zaktan: Uh oh, Pinkie's in trouble!

Teridax: (waking up) Well played, Piraka. (getting up slowly) Now I will have a chance to protect him.

Zaktan: Protect who? Mata Nui?

Teridax: Sleep spares him pain, Awake he suffers.

Zaktan: The Toa we're right! You're not protecting him!

Teridax: My duty is for the Mask of Shadows.

Zaktan: Oh yeah? Let's take a closer look behind that mask! (jumps on Teridax & begins ripping Teridax's mask)

Teridax: (felt his mask being ripped apart) NOO!

Zaktan: (lits some Dynamite & puts them inside Teridax's mask & then jumps off)


(The Dynamite explodes sending Teridax flying backwards & falls down, knocked out once more)

Zaktan: (turns to the portal) I don't think so, Heihachi! (charges into the portal)

(Back in the Present)

Zaktan: And that's how Pinkie Pie & I are in a tag battle against Heihachi & Kuma II.

EG Pinkie Pie: Yeah! Do you think that we'll ever see them again?

Twilight Sparkle: I'm not sure, but more to the point. Do you think we can catch Ixis Naugus & Jinpachi & put a stop to them?

Spongebob: We're about to find out.

(They all notice a continent, known as the "Southern Tundra")

Spongebob: We're here.

The End
